The Satanic Bible: Preface


All previous writing on the "occult," esoterica, magic, and especially Satanism is sanctimonious bullshit! Disregard that trash and look no further than The Satanic Bible for the truth on these subjects.


Ahh! The preface—a section, in most books, intended to assert the author's drive and purpose in undertaking the writing there undertaken. In The Satanic Bible it is denunciation of the excessive and ever extant excreta of magical lore expelled by sanctimonious scribes circumscribed by the right-hand path.

Anton Szandor LaVey wrote the preface of The Satanic Bible in 1968—greater than a half-century prior to the composition of this article. It may be readily realized that authors of antiquated occult lore, responsible for the refuse pile of expositions, are long dead and gone. Yet, their excrement reeks to this very day! Woe be upon those who consume these "brittle relics", written from the vantage of delusion, without recognition that they lack objectivity and thus credibility.

Consider, the first paragraph of LaVey's preface is indeed composed of no more than two sentences. With such a precision pointed pin, Doktor LaVey pierces the fragile membranes of myriad magical monographs. With verbosity, LaVey vexes the verboten! This, a Satanic gift, is materialized in but the first two sentences of the preface to The Satanic Bible!

Of the key takeaways in this preface are: stale pretzels, flattened egos—and wallets, constipation, and self-deceit. What could be more indelibly definitive about the intentions of an author than this!? The preface on Satanism is elucidated not by a lecture of what Satanism is, but by the clear delineation of what a Satanist is not!

A Satanist (being so by birth) already knows who and what they are. It is but for the benefit of perspective to examine what they are not. LaVey is clear in his declaration that the "old literature" on Satanism is but the kindling with which to brighten the flames of Hell!

Within The Satanic Bible is truth and fantasy that must be recognized for what it is. Readers are admonished that they will see—though some will not like what they see. LaVey quickly and succinctly establishes The Satanic Bible as "Satanic thought from a truly Satanic point of view."

Anton Szandor LaVey's preface to The Satanic Bible denounces the blithering foolishness of occult composition which came before, only to invite the true Satanist to drink deeply of true Satanic thought contained within. The Satanist is warmly welcomed while the dilettante is disdainfully denied. The adamantine gates are only open to those who already know how to open the adamantine gates.