Is Hatred Required?

Do devout Satanists need be filled with hatred? Of course not!! I hate people who insist on hatred as a prerequisite of Satanism!

To be sure, hatred is a human emotion and Satanists both celebrate and revel in all of the myriad human emotions—hatred being just one of those. Still, it is not required of a Satanist to hate at all. Indeed, if a person rarely (or if possible, never) feels hatred, that would certainly not preclude them from practicing Satanism. Does such a person exist? Possibly. Is there such a person who is also a Satanist? Possibly. The reality though, is that most humans feel many emotions, and some are stronger than others. Hatred can be a very strong emotion (as strong or stronger than love even) and it should never be relegated to the "back halls" of the mind. Nor should it be suppressed as a "negative" feeling—one considered not worthy of recognition. Satanists experience hatred just as anyone else does. The Satanist however, does not repress the emotion as unworthy of being felt. Instead, a Satanist fully realizes the emotion, uses it in constructive (or destructive) ways, and moves on. Satanism allows for recognition, acceptance, and incorporation of this emotion. In a society that actively suppresses (or narrowly channels) hatred, that Satanists accept and embrace it may make it seem as if hatred is requisite to the religion.

Satanism is unique in its acceptance of all human emotions. So many other religions either try to suppress or enhance specific emotions or (worse yet) require them to be channeled toward specific targets. Muslims are allowed to hate, but must focus their hatred on infidels. Buddhists are encouraged (required?) not to hate but to express only love even toward those who are hostile to them (is it possible to force one emotion over another?). Christians are encouraged to love but are allowed to hate, provided the subject of their ire is anything that contradicts the "teachings" of their book. Each of these cases demonstrate an exceptionally problematic view of human emotion—that some emotions are better than others and that only by controlling emotions can anyone ever hope to be a "good" person. This is counter to the reality of being human.

Human emotions are felt. They rise up, sometimes unexpectedly, overwhelm our senses and become an integral part of our life experience. They are a catalyst for action and often usher in new realizations. They are healthy, valuable, and important. They should never be suppressed, over or undervalued, nor treated as trifles. We human beings have no control over our emotions but we do have control over our actions. It is the action spurred by the emotion that we must use to our benefit (never our detriment).

Is hatred required of a Satanist? No, but acceptance of the emotion might be. What is also required of a Satanist is that he or she remains solely responsible for all his or her actions—be they out of hatred, love, or any other human emotion.

Hatred is not required, but responsibility is.