The Black Robe

Not every Satanist employs ritual practice of Greater Magic. Those who do however, benefit tremendously from the act. Rituals of Greater Magic are most satisfyingly executed when all accouterments are present and accounted for. Even when solo, the ritual rendition benefits from use of the more outré items such as the phallus and the gong.

One important ingredient that may often be missing from men's solo rituals is surprisingly, the robe. Although The Satanic Bible assents to men's use of "all black clothing" in place of of the robe, the conjuration is made all the more powerful when black clothing and a robe are worn.

The robe, especially with cowl, effects not only an infernally commanding impression but a diabolically erudite one as well. The cowl, when worn over the head, affords a private microcosm within which strong emotions can be readily drawn forth. Donning of a robe also declares a Satanist's reverence for the ritual and conveys a wholehearted commitment to the ultimate culmination of desires. In short, a dedicated ritual robe bespeaks one's devotion to the art.

Lest I leave out the lovely ladies, women can benefit from robes as well (especially in chillier chambers and climes). Of course, more power may be made manifest for women when sexually evocative apparels are revealed underneath. Remember, especially when solo, ritual is ultimately about you.

The ninth Satanic Sin admonishes against lack of aesthetic. Aesthetics, it says, is important in Lesser Magic, and I posit, important in Greater Magic as well. While aesthetics are a "personal thing," Satanists can agree that "there are universally pleasing and harmonious configurations that should not be denied." I enjoy a satin lining and red piping on my robe.